November 2012
This is my Final Year Bachelor’s Degree Project in Myanmar Maritime University. It concentrates on the concept of easy to handle pleasure motorboat constructed as a catamaran. Principle Dimensions and particulars were derived from Thidar Catamaran (24m Catamaran; the only two catamarans in Myanmar as Thidar I and Thidar II as of 2012). I was inspired by the project eCAT Hybrid by Juri Karinen of Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland. My 3 friends and I finished our B.E. Degree in Naval Architecture with this project. Various design aspects even up to the sewage systems were considered. We made our own wooden mold to make a fiber model and later tested it in a towing tank.
Even to this date, I still think this is one of the biggest accomplishments which I have achieved as we had gone through many hardships lacking the technology, resources, and funding.
3D Model 3D Model 3D Model 3D Model 3D Model 3D Model 3D Model 3D Model 3D Model Catamaran Hull Design Preliminary Hand Sketch Drawing Interior Layout Towing Tank Test of Catamaran Hull Model Lines Plan of Catamaran Wooden Mould Catamaran Model Hull for Towing Tank Test 3D Model