Design of a Pleasure Craft With Catamaran Hull

Design of a Pleasure Craft with Catamaran Hull - Htike Aung Kyaw
November 2012

This is my Final Year Bachelor’s Degree Project in Myanmar Maritime University. It concentrates on the concept of easy to handle pleasure motorboat constructed as a catamaran. Principle Dimensions and particulars were derived from Thidar Catamaran (24m Catamaran; the only two catamarans in Myanmar as Thidar I and Thidar II as of 2012). I was inspired by the project eCAT Hybrid by Juri Karinen of Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland. My 3 friends and I finished our B.E. Degree in Naval Architecture with this project. Various design aspects even up to the sewage systems were considered. We made our own wooden mold to make a fiber model and later tested it in a towing tank.

Even to this date, I still think this is one of the biggest accomplishments which I have achieved as we had gone through many hardships lacking the technology, resources, and funding.
