Hey There, I'm
Htike Aung Kyaw!
Welcome To My Site!
#About_Me in One Minute
The name’s Htike Aung Kyaw and I’m from Yangon, Myanmar.
I do lots of stuff & I consider myself as a multi-potentialite. Long story short, I’m a fast learner.
I’ve attended the following Educational Establishments throughout my entire life. For the Primary to High School Education, it was at the Practicing High School, Yangon Institute of Education (also known as TTC – Kamayut). I finished my Engineering Bachelors’ in Myanmar Maritime University (MMU) with a focus in Naval Architecture and finished my Masters’ focusing on Global Architecture in Osaka University, Japan.
I’d worked Intern, Part-Time and Full-Time Jobs in several Companies and Institutions. While doing that, I have been trying to maintain this website and blog since 2014 to track my activities throughout my whole life.
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Nice to Meet You!
I Hope You Think I Am Too!
I used to work as a Digital Fabrication Operations Manager at Innovation Awaits. Innovation Awaits provides 3D Printing, Laser Cutting and Engraving as well as Small Scale CNC Routing Services with the aim of becoming one of the leading 3D Printing & Digital Manufacturing Providers in Myanmar; Focusing on Enabling Creativity and Innovation Through Increasing Access to Digital Fabrication and Technology for the Community Here. Wishing to bring up part of Tech Industry in Myanmar while Aiding Students, DIY Enthusiasts, 3D Modelers and Engineering Companies with Additive & Subtractive Manufacturing Services.

3D Printing
An Additive Manufacturing Process that Creates 3-Dimensional Objects By Incrementally Adding Material Until The Object is Complete.

Laser Cutting & Engraving
A Subtractive Manufacturing Method that Uses a Laser Beam to Change or Cut The Surface of an Object.

Small Scale CNC Routing
A Subtractive Manufacturing Method that Uses Computer-Controlled Process That Cuts Various Hard Materials.